Shania Manoj Punjabi
President Commissioner
Indonesian citizen, born in 1974. She currently serves as President Commissioner based on appointment through the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company which was stated in Deed of Notary No. 53 dated November 25, 2021 made before Notary Leolin Jayanti, SH, M.Kn in Jakarta. She earned her Bachelor of Science Degree in Economics, majoring in Marketing and Strategic Management from the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, United States. She has over 19 years of experience holding several important positions, including:
- Director at PT. MD Graha Persada, PT. MD Graha Utama, PT. Sarana Kelola Graha, PT. MD Inti Prima, PT MD Cine Media Global (2002-2021)
- Director at PT MD Pictures Tbk (2018- 2021)
- Director at PT Jakarta Film Studios (2021-present)
- Director at PT. MD Entertainment, PT. MD Ritel Utama (2002-present)
- Commissioner at PT MD Animasi Indonesia, PT MD Publikasi Indonesia, PT Massive Digital Media (2021-present)
Previously, from September 1997 to October 2000, she worked as an Associate at A.T Kearney Management Consultants, Jakarta. She is affiliated with the President Director (Manoj Dhamoo Punjabi).
Sanjeva Advani
Indonesian citizen, born in 1968. Currently serves as a Commissioner who was appointed through the Company’s Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders on June 28 2024. He earned a Bachelor of Business Administration majoring in Finance from the State University of New York Buffalo in 1992. Previously he served as Corporate Investment Banking at Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC) (1993-1999) and Director at PT Infra Smart Indonesia (2002-2008).
Innayat Haresh Khubchandani
Indonesian citizen, born in 1980. Currently serves as a Independent Commissioner who was appointed through the Company’s Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders on June 28 2024. He graduated from the Swiss Management School in 2003. Currently, he also holds the position of Independent Commissioner of the Company. Before serving as Independent Commissioner, he worked at Innaz Communique (2006-2021), Head of Events Division at Group M Mindshare (2003-2006), and as Event Executive at Gurlien Machanda (2001 – 2003).
Manoj Dhamoo Punjabi
President Director
Indonesian citizen, born in 1972. He serves as President Director since March 2018 based on the Statement of Resolution of Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders which was stated in Deed of Notary No. 41 made before Tri Firdaus Akbarsyah, SH on March 23, 2018. He was reappointed based on the Statement of Shareholders Resolution in lieu of Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company which was stated in Deed of Notary No. 70 made before Leolin Jayanti, SH on April 13, 2018 and further reappointed at the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company as stated in Deed of Notary No. 43 made before Leolin Jayanti, SH on August 24, 2020.
He earned his Bachelor’s degree from the Indonesian European University majoring in Marketing and Finance in 1993. He is the figure behind the founding of MD Entertainment. With more than 20 years of experience in the entertainment industry as the President Director of PT MD Pictures Tbk, various television shows, films, music, and animated films have been produced under his direction. MD Group has created an impressive history, from famous TV programs to top Indonesian film box office hits, such as Ayat-Ayat Cinta (2008), Habibie & Ainun (2012), dan Rudy Habibie (2016). His work experience includes:
- President Director at Studio 7 (2005- 2013)
- Vice President Director at MD Media (forerunner of MD Pictures) (2002-2009)
- In addition to serving as President Director of the Company, he holds concurrent positions as:
- President Director at MD Entertainment (2002-present)
- President Director at MD Global Investment (2021-present)
- Head of Distribution at PPFI (Indonesian Film Producers Association) (2009-present)
- President Director at PT MD Graha Utama and PT MD Global Media (2012-2021)
- President Director at PT Jakarta Film Studios, President Commissioner at PT MD Animasi Indonesia, President Commissioner at PT MD Ritel Utama,
- President Director at PT MD Musik Indonesia (2021-present)
Based on the Company’s Articles of Association, the President Director is entitled to represent the Company. He is also generally responsible for managing the Company’s overall operations. To that end, the President Director is in charge of coordinating all Directors of the Company. He is affiliated with the President Commissioner (Shania Punjabi).
Sajan Lachmandas Mulani
Indonesian citizen, born in 1971. He serves as Independent Director of the Company since March 2018 based on the Statement of Resolution of Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders which was stated in Deed of Notary No. 41 made before Tri Firdaus Akbarsyah, SH on March 23, 2018. He was reappointed based on the Statement of Shareholders Resolution in lieu of Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company which was stated in Deed of Notary No. 70 made before Leolin Jayanti, SH on April 13, 2018 and further reappointed at the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company as stated in Deed of Notary No. 43 made before Leolin Jayanti, SH on August 24, 2020. He earned his Bachelor’s degree from GS Fame Institute of Business majoring in Finance in 1993. Prior experience in the textile and insurance industry equipped him with CRM and negotiations skills. For over 15 years, he has continued to play an important role in MD Group by managing MD Pictures internal casting, promotion, and PR departments.
His work experience includes serving as Director at PT RIM Management Kreasi (2014-2018), Director at PT Akira Indonesia (2013-2018), Director at Studio Tujuh (2013- 2018), President Director at PT Talenta Citra Management (2012-2018), Casting Manager at MD Entertainment (2003-2012), Superintendent of Underwriters at Asuransi Rama Satria Wibawa (1995-2001). In addition to serving as Director at the Company, he also serves as Commissioner at PT Jakarta Film Studios and Director at PT MD Ritel Utama (2021-present). He is not affiliated with other members of the Board of Directors, members of the Board of Commissioners, or the shareholders.
Priyadarshi Anand
Indian citizen, born in 1984, 37 years old. He serves as Director of the Company since August 19, 2021 based on the Statement of Resolution of Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders which was stated in Deed of Notary No. 46 dated August 19, 2021. He completed his education and earned his B.Com(H) degree at SRCC, Delhi University, India in 2005. In support of his career, he is also a professional accountant of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) and the Corporate Secretary of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI).
His professional career started in 2004 as a trainee in an audit company while attending a Chartered Accounting course. Between 2007-2010, he worked at the multinational group of Bertelsmann & MetLife in India (Information Technology, Media & Insurance sector). Between 2010- 2019, he worked at the multinational group of Cargill & Tereos FKS in Indonesia (manufacturing sector).
In addition to serving as Director at the Company, he does not hold other concurrent positions at the Company or other companies. He is not affiliated with other members of the Board of Directors, members of the Board of Commissioners, or the shareholders.
Audit Committee
The Audit Committee of the Company has been established in accordance with the provisions of prevailing laws and regulations based on the Decision Letter of the Board of Commissioners of the Company. 018 /MDP/LGL/DP/IV/ 18 dated March 24, 2018 and the Audit Committee Charter with the members of the Audit Committee as follows:
Chairman: Innayat Haresh Khubchandani
Members: Supardji
Members: Richard Antonio
Innayat Haresh Khubchandani
The Audit Committee
Indonesian citizen, born in 1980. Serves as Head of the Audit Committee based on Decree No. 010/KOM/Corpsec/MDP07/2024 dated 01 July 2024. He graduated from the Swiss Management School in 2003. Currently, he also holds the position of Independent Commissioner of the Company. Before serving as Independent Commissioner, he worked at Innaz Communique (2006-2021), Head of Events Division at Group M Mindshare (2003-2006), and as Event Executive at Gurlien Machanda (2001 – 2003).
Richard Antonio
The Audit Committee
Richard Antonio, an Indonesian citizen, was born in 1994. Joined on 1 November 2020 PT MD Pictures Tbk as a Member of the Audit Committee of PT MD Pictures Tbk based on the Decree of the Board of Commissioners Number 010/KOM/Corpsec/MDP10/2023 dated October 25, 2023.
Currently he is the Manager of Finance, Accounting and Business Development at PT Pratama Widya Tbk and Member of the Audit Committee of PT Morenzo Abadi Perkasa Tbk. Previously, he was the Audit Manager at Jamaludin, Ardi, Sukimto & Partners Public Accountants Firm (2015-2019). He holds a Bachelor of Accounting degree at Trisaksi University.
The Audit Committee
Indonesian citizen, born in 1956. He serves as a Member of the Audit Committee of PT MD Pictures Tbk based on the Decree of the Board of Commissioners No. 010/KOM/Corpsec/MDP10/2023 dated October 25, 2023. He earned a Master’s Degree in Management from the Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi (STIEK IPWI) in 1996 and Diploma IV (Accountant) from Sekolah Tinggi Akuntansi Negara (STAN) in 1983.
Other past or current positions include Advisor at PT Permodalan Nasional Madani (PT PNM) (2016-2018), Head of Internal Audit Unit at PT PNM (2010-2015), several advanced positions at the Finance and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) as Expert Auditor at BPKP Head Office (1992-2010), Tax Auditor at the Directorate General of Taxes of the Ministry of Finance (1988-1991), Auditor at Regional BPKP (1984-1987), Auditor at the Directorate General of Finance and Development Supervision, Ministry of Finance (1978-1983).
Duties and Responsibilities of Audit Committee
Pursuant to the Financial Services Authority Regulation No: 55/POJK.04/2015 concerning the Establishment and Work Guideline of the Audit Committee, in carrying out its duties, the Audit Committee has duties and responsibilities, authorities, and is required to have an Audit Committee Charter. The duties and responsibilities and authorities as stipulated in the Audit Committee Charter are as follows:
- Review the financial information that will be issued by the Company to the public and/or the authorities, including financial reports, projections, and other reports related to the Company’s financial information.
- Review compliance with laws and regulations related to company activities.
- Provide an independent opinion in the event of a difference of opinion between the management and the accountant on the services provided.
- Provide recommendations to the Board of Commissioners regarding the appointment of an Accountant based on independence, scope of assignment, and remuneration for services.
- Review the implementation of the audit by the internal auditors and supervising the implementation of follow-up actions by the Board of Directors on the findings of the internal auditors.
- Review the risk management activities carried out by the Board of Directors, if the Company does not have a risk monitoring function under the Board of Commissioners.
- Review complaints related to the Company’s accounting and financial reporting processes.
- Review and provide advice to the Board of Commissioners regarding potential conflicts of interest with the Company.
- Maintain the confidentiality of documents, data including the Board of Directors and those who carry out the functions of internal audit, management and company information.
Authority of the Audit Committee:
- Access company documents, data, and information about employees, funds, assets, and necessary company resources.
- Communicate directly with employees, risks, and accountants.
- Involve independent parties other than members of the Audit Committee as needed to assist the implementation of the duties of the Audit Committee.
- Perform other authorities given by the Board of Commissioners.
Audit Committee Charter
The Company has an Audit Committee Charter which was established by the Board of Commissioners on May 1, 2018. The Audit Committee Charter is a work norm that must be obeyed by members of the Audit Committee in carrying out their duties.
The contents of the Audit Committee Charter are as follows:
- Purpose of establishment of the Audit Committee;
- Requirements for members of the Audit Committee;
- Authority of the Audit Committee;
- Duties and responsibilities of the Audit Committee;
- Work procedures of the Audit Committee;
- Audit Committee reporting system; and
- Update the Audit Committee Charter as necessary.
Independence of the Audit Committee
As stipulated in the prevailing laws and regulations, the Audit Committee requires that the Audit Committee consists of at least three members, one of whom is an Independent Commissioner – in this case Sanjeva Advani – who is not affiliated and serves as the head. Meanwhile the other two members must be independent parties, at least one of whom must have expertise in accounting and/or finance. To fulfill the independence requirements in accordance with applicable regulations in Indonesia, members of the Audit Committee are not appointed from the Executive Officers of the Public Accounting Firm that provide audit services and/or non-audit services to the Company within the last six months. On this basis, the Company appointed two members of the Audit Committee who meet the requirements of independence/no conflict of interest with the Company, including family, financial, management, and ownership relationships with the Company.
Corporate Secretary
Corporate Secretary
Corporate Secretary
Indonesian citizen, born in 1986. She was appointed as the Corporate Secretary of PT MD Pictures Tbk based on the Decree of the Board of Directors No. SK-DIR-011/Corpsec/MDP/XI/2021 dated November 23, 2021. She earned Master’s Degree in Management from Universitas Gadjah Mada in 2020. Other past positions include Corporate Communication Supervisor at PT Infomedia Nusantara (2010-2013), External Communication Section Head at PT MNC Sky Vision Tbk (2013-2018), Corporate Secretary Section Head at PT MNC Vision Networks Tbk (2018-2021).
The Corporate Secretary is an organ in the organizational structure that acts as a liaison between issuers or public companies and external parties, including all stakeholders, in accordance with applicable regulations. In this regard, the Corporate Secretary keeps abreast of developments in external situations, such as macroeconomic conditions, market and capital market conditions, as well as developments in the prevailing laws and regulations. The establishment and preparation of the duties and responsibilities of the Corporate Secretary refers to the provisions in POJK No. 35/POJK.04/2014 concerning Corporate Secretary of Issuers or Public Companies.
Duties and Responsibilities of Corporate Secretary
In carrying out its function as a liaison officer for the Company, the Corporate Secretary has duties and responsibilities as follows:
- Carry out the role of information access for the Company’s stakeholders;
- Facilitate the meetings of the Shareholders, the Board of Commissioners, and the Board of Directors, in accordance with the provisions and the Articles of Association, as well as prepare reports and materials required at the meeting;
- Responsible for disseminating official information about the Company to stakeholders, as well as being a liaison officer with capital market authorities;
- Facilitate effective communication between the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors; as well as
- Prepare the Board of Directors meeting, including distributing agenda material before the meeting, organizing and coordinating the implementation of the GMS, Public Expose, roadshow, administering the process and storing documents, including the minutes of the Board of Directors meeting, share listing book, and agreements with other parties.
Internal Audit
Internal Audit Unit Charter
The Company has made an Internal Audit Charter that has been completed by the Board of Commissioners and determined by the Board of Commissioners on March 28, 2018.
Based on the Decree of the Company’s Board of Directors. 027-DIR/Corpsec/MDP/0718 dated July 2, 2018 regarding the establishment and appointment of the Internal Audit Unit of the Company which has appointed the Internal Audit Unit to be:
Safril Hasibuan, currently the Chair person and Member of Internal Audit of PT MD Pictures Tbk based on the Directors Decree Number 012‑DIR/Corpsec/MDP/IV/18 dated April 16, 2018.
He has served as an Audit Manager at PT Bumi Wijaya Indorail in 2015-April 2018, in 2013-2015 served as Audit Assistant Manager of PT Dharma HenwaTbk, and in 2008–2013 served as Audit Supervisor at PT Bakrie Telecom, Tbk.
He obtained a Masters of Economics and Business Management at the University of Mercubuana and a Bachelor of Accounting at STEI in 2001
Internal Audit Unit is a work unit that carries out the internal audit function. The work of the Internal Audit Unit includes providing objective consultations and recommendations with the aim of increasing value and strengthening the Company’s operational system. This is carried out through a systematic approach, by evaluating and improving the effectiveness of the Company’s risk management, control and governance processes.
Duties and Responsibilities of Internal Audit Unit
Duties and responsibilities of Internal Audit Unit refer to the Company’s Internal Audit Unit Charter, including:
- Develop and implement an annual internal audit plan;
- Test and evaluate the implementation of internal control and risk management systems in accordance with company policies;
- Conduct audit and assessment of efficiency and effectiveness in the fields of finance, accounting, operations, human resources, marketing, information technology, and other activities;
- Provide suggestions for improvement and objective information on the audited activities at all levels of management;
- Prepare a report on audit results and submit the report to the President Director and the Board of Commissioners;
- Monitor, analyze, and report on the implementation of follow-up improvements that have been suggested;
- Cooperate with the Audit Committee;
- Develop a program to evaluate the quality of the internal audit activities that have been carried out; and
- Carry out special audit if necessary or other assignments according to the instructions of the President Director.