MD Entertaiment

Feb 20, 2025 | News

Arbani Yasiz Plays Azzamine: Wants to Be Calm Like Azzam!

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The film Azzamine is a religious drama that is loved by many people. First, Arbani Yasiz plays the role of a young cleric who is being matched. Secondly, the girl who is being matched is not very familiar with Islam. How funny their love journey is, isn’t it? Third, Azzam’s character truly becomes a role model. The proof is that Arbani even wants to be like Azzam, who is calm and serene.


The Film Azzamine Inspires Arbani Yasiz: He Wants to Be a Calm Person and Make a Positive Impact


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Here is an interview with Arbani Yasiz. You must be curious about Arbani’s response to the character he plays, Azzam. Well, check this out.


How did you first join the Azzamine film project?

Arbani Yasiz: “At that time, I was called by Mr. Sanjay and coincidentally, the director was Mr. Benni Setiawan. Then, we just chatted—me, Mr. Benni, and Megan. We talked and discussed the script, which was still in the early draft stage, the characters, the story, and so on.”


How do you delve into the role of Azzam?

Arbani Yasiz: “For example, Azzam, he is someone who really guards his gaze. So I studied people who have the same character as Azzam. Coincidentally, I had already played the character of an Islamic boarding school student before, but now the modification is a bit different, so it’s not that difficult, really.”


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What kind of character is Azzam, anyway?

Arbani Yasiz: “Raden Azzam Al-Baihaqi is a calm and serene person, so his life is always connected with Allah, with Islam. He is also a young preacher, but he hides that because he is not an arrogant person who wants to be in the spotlight. Then, he was matched with Jasmine and he fell in love at first sight with Jasmine.”


What is your view on Azzam’s character?

Arbani Yasiz: “Definitely very inspiring. I also hope that Azzam, the character I play, not only brings a positive impact to the viewers but also to me as the one portraying Azzam. Hopefully, the good things about Azzam can be applied in our lives; for example, maintaining our gaze, learning more about Islam, and so on.”


What preparations did you make to become the character Azzam?

Arbani Yasiz: “Grow a beard! Maybe in the novel, the depiction of Azzam doesn’t have a beard, but at that time, my discussion with Mr. Benni and the MD team seemed to suggest that it would be fitting if Azzam had a beard. Because, after all, having a beard is a sunnah—and Azzam is that kind of person, it wouldn’t make sense for Azzam not to follow that sunnah.”


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How was the experience of being directed by Mr. Benni and acting alongside the other cast members?

Arbani Yasiz: “This is the second time being directed by Pak Benni, Alhamdulillah it has always been enjoyable from the reading process to the end of shooting, everything went smoothly. Mr. Benni can always provide feedback that is truly appropriate for the character to do. He also thinks about everything in detail, so I’m really grateful. With the other players, especially with Megan—Megan is really fun, the bonding chemistry is easy because she is also an exciting person. It’s just a perfect match, so there aren’t any significant difficulties. Maybe Azzam’s difficulty here is that he has to keep his gaze, so if there are scenes with Jasmine, it’s quite hard. Especially if it’s a dramatic scene.”


What was the most enjoyable thing during the filming?

Arbani Yasiz: “Everything was enjoyable from the first day of shooting to the last day. It’s just the nature of the job, sometimes you have to wait a long time, and that’s something that happens often. So far, this project has been enjoyable, it really doesn’t feel like we’ve been shooting for 16 days, suddenly it’s almost done.”


What lesson did you learn from this film?

Arbani Yasiz: “Never harbor bad thoughts about Allah, but always have good thoughts about Allah, because Allah is All-Knowing.”


What dialogue do you remember the most?

Arbani Yasiz: “Jasmine, kalo kamu memang ditakdirkan untuk saya, pacar kamu bisa apa?” (“Jasmine, if you are truly destined for me, what can your boyfriend do?”)


This is a real example that Azzam’s character can truly be a role model for everyone. Take the positive side, okay? For those who haven’t watched Azzamine, watch it now so you can get emotional with the love story of Azzam and Jasmine. Also, listen to the original soundtrack of Azzamine ‘Bila Tak Denganmu‘ sung by Gita and Ghatfaan on all digital streaming platforms!


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