MD Entertaiment

Jan 8, 2025 | News, Perewangan

5 Fun Facts about the Film Perewangan That You Must Know

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The film Perewangan has been released in theaters on October 24, 2024. The latest horror film from MD Pictures, directed by Awi Suryadi, the director of 10 million viewers, brings a breath of fresh air by combining a chilling experience with family warmth. 


For those who don’t know, Perewangan is inspired by a true story retold by @JeroPoint through a thread on X. Jero admitted that he was contacted by a woman named Maya whose life was terrorized by supernatural beings.


Upon investigation, it turns out that the figure haunting Maya is the spirit of her mother, who is trying to boost the sales of her restaurant. Her mother’s culinary business indeed became very successful, but it was not worth the life sacrifices that had to be made.


The filming location of Perewangan is in Padalarang, West Java. This film stars Davina Karamoy as Maya; Ully Triani as Maya’s mother, Sudarsih; Randy Dhanista as Maya’s uncle, Sucipto; and Shanty as Maya’s aunt, Sumarni. 


During the filming process, the cast admitted to having many mystical experiences, both at the shooting location and at their accommodations. They even had to change hotels because they were constantly disturbed and couldn’t sleep soundly.


Here are some interesting facts about the film Perewangan that we have compiled from various sources. What are they? 


Watch the official trailer of the Perewangan film here.


Maya, the Source, Lost Contact

As explained earlier, the film Perewangan is based on a thread written by JeroPoint. At first, Jero received a message from someone claiming to be named Maya. She recounted the terror she had to face with her family.


In the story, the spirit that her mother kept demanded the life of the master’s partner as a sacrifice. However, Sudarsih broke the agreement and was unwilling to sacrifice her husband’s life. This had an impact on her descendants, namely Maya and her younger sibling. 


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So, how is Maya doing now? Jero, who was in direct contact with Maya, admitted that he lost contact with her in the middle of last year. 


“I hope she is healthy and doing well.” Because the last time she replied to my message was about 2-3 months ago. “But what about Maya after that thread was written, some of it I have included in the film (Perewangan),” Jero said to MD. 


“The rest we can do is pray, help our friends hope that Maya is always under God’s protection. Because there is still a younger sibling she has to take care of,” he continued.  


Director Awi admitted that he didn’t dare to contact Maya directly. “I don’t feel it’s appropriate.” “Because even Jero had a hard time contacting her lately,” he said at the Gala Premiere of the film Perewangan, Monday (21/10/2024).


“Well, we hope, we don’t know how complicated things are for him now, but Jero told me that he has also lost contact with Maya for a few months.” “So we’re a bit worried about how things are developing now,” Awi continued.


Shanty and Randy’s Horror Film Debut

Perewangan is the first horror film for Shanty and Randy, marking Shanty’s return to the acting world after an eight-year hiatus.


“This is my first horror film, so I really didn’t know the rhythm of working on a horror film,” said Shanty at the Gala Premiere of the film Perewangan.


Fortunately, since she had previously acted in 12 films, Shanty didn’t take long to adapt to the production of a horror film. Moreover, according to her, it wasn’t difficult to build chemistry with the cast and crew of Perewangan.


“Then Mas Awi, as a perfectionist director, is very guiding and detail-oriented.” So I didn’t feel too much difficulty,” he said.


“There’s just one challenge, I’m a coward. I’m a high-level coward when it comes to matters of ghosts and the supernatural.” Just talking about this gives me goosebumps. I believe that another world exists. And I’m just afraid that something might be attached to me, right?” He continued.


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Meanwhile, for Randy, the main challenge of acting in a horror film is the shooting schedule, which mostly takes place at night.


“Shooting horror films, the first challenge is because the world is also reversed. So it always starts from night until dawn and morning. Because I’m usually sleepy around 10-11. Well, the schedule has to be adjusted,” he said in an interview with CGV at MD Place Tower Jakarta.


“And those difficult scenes actually appear at 4 or 5 AM, when we just want to sleep, but these are actually the scenes that require a lot of energy,” he continued.


The Most Horrifying Behind-the-Scenes for Davina

Unlike Shanty and Randy, Davina Karamoy has previous experience in horror films, such as Mata Batin 2 and Rumah Kentang. However, Davina must admit that the behind-the-scenes of Perewangan was the most horrifying throughout her experience.


“This is not an exaggeration, but honestly, out of all the horror films I’ve been in, this is the one with the most terrifying behind-the-scenes,” Davina revealed to CGV.


“Until I got sick, they said I was possessed. But medically, I had dengue fever. And during the treatment for dengue fever, at 2 AM, usually in the first 4-5 days, I would wake up and there was always someone waking me up, and it was a little child,” she continued.


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During the podcast with Om Hao on Kisah Tanah Jawa, Davina asked who the little child was that often disturbed her. Om Hao said that it was Davina’s perewangan


“What we know is that spirits are only evil, but it turns out there are good ones too. And their job is to protect me, according to Om Hao,” she said.


Ully Triani Did a Backbend at Half-Past 4 in the Morning

One of the most epic scenes in the film Perewangan is undoubtedly Sudarsih (Ully Triani) doing a backbend in the kitchen while screaming and giggling. According to Ully, the scene was shot at half-past 4 in the morning without a double or stunt actor.


“I didn’t use a double. It was during the casting, the first time, during the screen test they asked, can you do a backbend? Oh, I can do it,” Ully said. “And the scene where I had to do the backbend was at 3:30 AM. Half past 3 in the morning, can you imagine me being told to do a backbend while screaming?” She continued.


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Besides being asked to do a backbend, what’s more difficult is being asked to sing Javanese songs. “But actually, the homework is a lot, not just backbends, not just acting, but also singing. Since I’m not a singer, suddenly having to learn to sing,” she said.


“During the screen test, I was also asked to sing like this. Finally tried it, and it turned out I could. Until I said, it seems like I was possessed during the screen test. Because I immediately started singing, and it was a Javanese song. When it was over, wow, turns out I could sing,” she explained.


Filming with Real Crows

Many scenes featuring crows are present in the film Perewangan. Because one of the rituals to summon the perewangan is by pounding a crow in a mortar and drinking its blood.


Well, just so you know, the crow used in the filming of Perewangan is a real crow, not CGI or a prop. The crow named Bowo is a trained pet crow.


“We really shot with a crow, you know. And I was pecked by a crow, did you know that? I swear,” said Davina.


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Ully then recounted having a hard time during a scene with Bowo. “I swear, the gag was really difficult too. So there was one scene where the crane had to look at me, and it was really complicated, the emotion was truly difficult. But it felt like I had already captured the emotion, and then I was asked to do it again because the crow hadn’t turned its head yet,” she said.


However, according to Davina, it is actually Bowo the crow who is smart and obedient.


“When he’s with me, he’s really cooperative. Even there was a scene where I was sleeping, and then there was a crow, and the camera moved towards me. Then the crow looked back, it moved, and the camera moved forward. He understood. The crow is really smart and really big,” said Davina.


Those were 5 interesting facts about the movie Perewangan. Don’t forget to follow MD Pictures’ social media accounts to stay updated on the latest news about MD films!


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Perewangan (Movie)

Instagram: @perewanganfilm


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