MD Entertaiment

Jan 7, 2025 | News, Petak Umpet

Playing Hide and Seek Horror Game Plot Twist: Kidnapped by Wewe Gombel

hide and seek horror game​ md entertainment

Have you ever imagined that while playing hide and seek, one of your friends just can’t be found? No matter where you look for him, you can’t even see a trace of him. Then he disappeared just like that as if swallowed by the earth. The hide and seek horror game of a child going missing while playing turns out to be more than just a figment of the imagination.


There are several cases that tell the story of children who went missing and never returned after having fun playing hide and seek. Previously, we had discussed cases of hide-and-seek ending in death in various places. This time, we will discuss three cases of disappearance while playing hide-and-seek.


Yolanda Went Missing at the Pier

Four years ago, a brother and sister in Palembang were playing hide and seek horror game at the Kertapati Station Pier. The location is not far from their house. And the pair of siblings often played there.


Their father, Golkariyanto, still remembers his eldest daughter, Yolanda, wearing a blue checkered shirt and long pants when she left the house that Monday. She was only 16 years old and still in middle school. Her hair was short.


Yolanda left home with her younger brother, Fajar. They headed towards the pier and decided to play hide and seek there.


The siblings then took turns looking for each other. At first, Yolanda was the one on guard, while Fajar hid. Then came the time for them to switch roles, with Fajar becoming the guard and Yolanda having to hide.


“It was his younger sibling’s turn to keep watch.” “Yolanda, who was about to hide, shouted for her younger sibling to wait,” recounted their father, Yanto, on Friday (4/9/2020), as reported by


When the sound of his sister’s voice was no longer heard, Fajar finally opened his eyes and tried to find Yolanda. However, no matter how hard he searched for his sister, Fajar never found her. Yolanda suddenly disappeared from there without a trace. Night fell, but not with Yolanda.


“Fajar then searched and after a long search in the area, did not find Yolanda. Since the incident, the residents have continued to search and ask other residents here and there, but there has been no result,” continued Yanto.


Until nearly a week later, Yolanda’s whereabouts remained a mystery. However, according to the father, his child didn’t have many problems and always returned home on time.


“Not at all, the family is confused about this.” “Where is Yolanda? We have been searching continuously until now,” he said.


Finally, the family reported to the police. Yolanda was declared missing. Unfortunately, we have not yet found any recent news about Yolanda’s search, whether she has been found or not. Hopefully, she is safe and has returned home to the embrace of her parents.


Hide and Seek with a Genie

From Palembang, the case of a missing child while playing hide and seek has moved to Sampang, Madura. The incident happened in 2022. Four children in Beringin Village reportedly disappeared, hidden by a genie who invited them to play hide and seek!


The four children were still 8 years old at that time. At first, they went together to the surau to study the Quran after the maghrib prayer. On the way, they claimed to have been confronted by someone resembling their Quran teacher and were taken to a river through the bushes.


“They said they were invited to play hide and seek. Then they were shown the hiding place,” said Tambelangan Police Chief Iptu Warnoto at that time, as reported by


One of the residents named Pusialan recounted that their parents realized their children had not returned home until dusk. Finally, together with the residents, they began searching for the four children who were hidden by the jinn.


Meanwhile, the children claimed to have heard their names being called by the villagers. However, a figure resembling their Quran teacher forbade them from answering the call.


“Strangely, the actual Quran teacher was in Banyuates District, which is almost 20 km away from the incident location,” revealed Iptu Warnoto.


They were then found around 10 PM asleep in the bushes by the riverbank, just 10 meters from their house.


According to Pusialan, the residents believe they were hidden by a spirit. Because, the incident of missing children is not the first time it has happened in that village. And the missing children are always found in the bushes.


“Hidden by spirits. It has happened often. In many cases, they are always found in the bushes,” said Pusialan.


Kidnapped by a Wewe Gombel

The next story happened over a decade ago. According to the testimony of those involved, the child who went missing while playing hide and seek has still not been found.


On the YouTube channel RJL 5 – Fajar Aditya, a woman named Nasya recounts her horror story from childhood. 16 years ago, when she was still in the first grade of elementary school, she and her friend named Sari played hide and seek out of boredom. They were accompanied by three other friends. Unfortunately, the five of them were playing hide and seek in an empty house. 


“There’s a coconut tree, then a salak garden over there, and across from that, about 3 or 4 meters away, there’s a house. That house is empty and white, and it’s quite long.” “It was originally going to be made into a village hall, but since there weren’t enough people to occupy it, it ended up like an abandoned project,” said Nasya.


When it was their friend Aldi’s turn to keep watch, Sari dared to hide in that uninhabited house. Actually, Nasya had already forbidden it because the parents also did not allow the children to play there.


Nasya was the last person to see Sari enter the empty house. Until sunset, her friend still hadn’t come out. Nasya and the others panicked and ran to inform the parents that Sari was missing.


“Finally, our parents came one by one.” “We told them the chronology, we were playing hide and seek and Sari went into that house,” Nasya revealed. However, after being inspected, the windowless house was found to be locked and there was no way to enter.


The parents eventually went to ask for help from neighborhood watchmen, the police, and even the fire department to search for Sari. The search continued late into the night, but there were no signs of Sari appearing. In fact, people had even searched inside the well, but there were no results.


Nasya said they had considered asking for help from the village elder. However, unfortunately, Sari’s parents do not believe in mystical things and are more convinced that their child was kidnapped.


To confirm again, Nasya and her friends returned to the empty house. There, they saw Sari appear at the door and point to the coconut tree. Not long after, they saw Sari being cradled by the wewe gombel.


“We saw up there Sari was sleeping in the lap of a woman, her hair was long, excuse me, her breasts were like this, maybe she had the build of a wewe gombel,” Nasya continued. 


They returned to their respective homes and recounted the incident, but no one believed them.


“The case has stopped, just hanging there.” Until Sari’s family moved, before I moved, because they didn’t want to remember that incident anymore, because their child really disappeared without a trace. “Just left behind two sandals in front of that house,” Nasya recounted. Until now, her childhood friend has not been found.


hide and seek horror game​ md entertainment


The story of Sari will be screened in a feature film titled Petak Umpet, produced by Pichouse FILMS and PAW Pictures. For those curious about the tragedy witnessed by Nasya and her friends, get ready to muster your courage to watch the film on November 21, 2024, in all your favorite theaters.


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