The film Petak Umpet, the latest horror from MD Pictures, has been released in theaters on November 21, 2024. On Thursday (11/14), this film produced by Pichouse Films and PAW Pictures had its premiere at XXI Epicentrum Kuningan, South Jakarta. Check out this glamorous Petak Umpet Gala Premiere!
Director Rizal Mantovani, along with producers Rajesh Punjabi and Sanjeev Advani, also graced the gala premiere of the film Petak Umpet on November 11. Several cast members who attended included Randy Martin, Alesha Fadillah, Saskia Chadwick, Adam Farrel, Jared Ali, Putri Ayudya, Lisye Herliman, Monique Henry, Gilbert Pattiruhu, and Rowiena Umboh.
Rajesh Punjabi invites the entire community to fill the cinemas to watch Petak Umpet starting next week. He said this film is suitable for all ages because it not only features horror scenes but also many family themes.
“The story is really exciting, about family. Don’t worry, it’s not too horror, it’s very family-oriented, fun, and interesting,” said Rajesh.
Meanwhile, director Rizal Mantovani added that Petak Umpet is different from other horror films. “This is different, an adventure horror with a very strong family theme.” Love and affection are the causes of the problem solver,” he revealed.
Petak Umpet Casts
- Randy Martin
- Saskia Chadwick
- Putri Ayudya
- Alesha Fadillah Kurniawan
- Adam Farrel
- Monique Henry
- Gilbert Pattiruhu
- Rowiena Oemboh
Synopsis of Petak Umpet
Rahman (Randy Martin) was asked by his mother to accompany his younger sister, Sari (Alesha Fadhillah Kurniawan), to play with her friends. Rahman, who was reluctant, told Sari to play hide and seek, while he himself supervised while playing a game on his phone.
The problem began when Sari could not be found. Her friends said Sari was hiding in an old, long-abandoned house. It is said that she was kidnapped by a wewe gombel. Rahman then sought to learn more about that urban legend figure. They say that the creature only kidnaps children who are not being watched by their families.
Sari’s disappearance left her mother, Masayu (Putri Ayudya), deeply devastated. All night long, she wept for her daughter. Rahman, feeling guilty, then intended to enter the old house where Sari was last seen. He was accompanied by his two friends, Rinto (Adam Farrel) and Shila. (Saskia Chadwick).
The old house used to be the residence of a woman who cruelly killed her own children because of her husband’s infidelity. Rahman, Rinto, and Shila finally entered the haunted house.
Just as they took a step inside, the door suddenly closed and locked by itself. Rahman and his friends, who came to rescue Sari, have now become the ones who need to be rescued.
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