MD Entertaiment

Jan 9, 2025 | News, Perewangan

Shanty: “It Feels Like Nightmare!” Playing the Film Perewangan

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The horror film Perewangan, the latest work by MD Pictures in collaboration with director Awi Suryadi, has finally haunted local cinemas starting October 24, 2024. Before bringing terror to the audience, it turns out that Perewangan had already brought trauma to one of its cast members, Shanty.


The famous artist and singer admitted that Perewangan is her first horror film. “This is my first horror film, so I really didn’t know what the rhythm of working on a horror film would be like,” she said at the Gala Premiere of the film Perewangan at Cinepolis Senayan Park, Monday (21/10/2024).


Fortunately, because he had previously acted in 12 films, it didn’t take long for him to adapt to the production of a horror film. Moreover, according to him, it wasn’t difficult to build chemistry with the cast and crew of Perewangan.


“Then Mas Awi, as a perfectionist director, is very good at guiding and is detail-oriented. So I didn’t feel too much difficulty,” she said.


“There’s just one challenge, I admit that I’m a coward. I’m a high-level coward when it comes to matters of ghosts and the supernatural. Just talking about this gives me goosebumps. I believe that another world exists. And I’m just afraid that something might be attached to me, could be, right?” She continued.


Because of her inherently timid nature, Shanty admitted that she only had the guts to accept the offer to act in the film Perewangan. However, she had a condition for Awi to ensure the production process went smoothly. What are they?


Here Are Shanty’s Conditions for Awi during the Filming Process…

As a coward for supernatural matters, Shanty feels that all the locations used for filming Perewangan are horror. She didn’t dare to enter the set alone.


“Because the location is indeed horror, the houses used are really horror. When I entered the house in Puncak, as soon as I stepped in, I got goosebumps,” she said. “So I made a condition to Mas Awi and the crew, that when I enter the set, there must be three crew members. And those three crew members can hide under the bed, behind the wardrobe, whatever.”


Before entering the room, Shanty always makes sure there is already a crew member standing by inside. She would shout loudly in front of the door. “CREWW!” Once there was an answer from inside, she stepped in.


“Hopefully, it’s the crew answering, not someone else! The others admit they were disturbed by supernaturals, but I wasn’t. I didn’t get any horror stories on set at all. Maybe because I blocked it from the start. Because from the reading session, I was already scared all the time,” she said.


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Shanty admitted that since the script reading process of Perewangan, she always felt like someone was following her from behind. Every time she returned to the apartment and parked the car, she hurriedly ran as fast as she could to her room.


“I come back from reading session to the apartment, and as soon as I park, I run as fast as I can. Immediately turned on all the lights. It’s actually suffering. Personally affected. Even now, when I go to the bathroom, I’m still asking my assistant to come with,” she said.


Synopsis of Perewangan

Watch the official trailer of the Perewangan film here.


Perewangan is a horror film adapted from a viral thread on X by @JeroPoint. This film highlights the ancient tradition of allying with spirits or evil entities in order to achieve success and wealth. However, the price that the perpetrators must pay is extremely high.


In the film Perewangan, the main character named Maya (Davina Karamoy) must bear the consequences of being terrorized by the family-owned perewangan. Not only Maya, but all her family members, from her younger siblings to her uncles, are not free from the terror of the ancestral spirit demanding a life sacrifice.


At first, after her father’s mysterious death, Maya harbored great suspicion towards her aunt and uncle, who seemed to be eyeing her mother’s inheritance, Sudarsih (Ully Triani), who had been ill for years and was reluctant to speak.


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Since the death of her father, Maya’s uncles and aunt have increasingly shown their ambition to take control of the land and house inherited by Sudarsih. Maya has chosen to keep her distance from them.


Over time, the nightmares and terror experienced by Maya became increasingly severe. Her mother, who had been lying on the bed for years, even started showing strange behavior. Maya finally realized that what threatened her family was something more evil and cruel than human greed.


Maya was even more shocked when she discovered that the evil creature terrorizing her family was none other than the result of her mother’s mistake.


In pursuit of momentary glory, Sudarsih continued the ritual of allying with the spirit, and her family had to bear the burden of seven generations as a sacrifice to satisfy the spirit’s desires. Now the creature has started targeting her child, Maya. 


The film Perewangan is directed by Awi Suryadi, the director who previously worked on the all-time highest-grossing Indonesian film KKN di Desa Penari. Awi’s signature terrifying terror in Perewangan will really haunt you to sleep!


This film also stars a lineup of famous actors, including Davina Karamoy, who successfully portrayed the sister-in-law of a cheating husband in the film Ipar Adalah Maut; renowned musicians Andy /rif and Shanty; and the keyboardist of the band Nidji, Randy Danistha.


Don’t forget to follow MD Pictures’ social media accounts to stay updated on the latest news about MD films!


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Perewangan (Movie)

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