MD Entertaiment

Jan 4, 2022 | Press Release

MD Pictures Sets Box Office Records Welcoming In The New Year!

Jakarta, 4 January, 2022 – PT MD Pictures Tbk (IDX:FILM) an MD Entertainment Company , signaling good news for the beginning of a recoveryfor Indonesian cinema. MD Pictures’year-end release of Makmum 2 has set the box office record for the highest number of tickets sold on opening dayfor any Indonesian film of 2021. In an article posted January 2 by the popular online news portal Liputan6, Makmum 2, was acknowledged as the highest grossing Indonesian film on opening dayfor the entire year of 2021. With an opening box office of 46,815 tickets sold, and over 220,000 tickets already sold in just its first 4 days, this film’s performance at the box office is a bright sign that the cinema audience in Indonesia is on an upward trend to recovery.


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