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Jun 24, 2024 | News

Maudy Effrosina Says: The Real Badarawuhi Visited Me Once!

maudy effrosina md entertainment

Watch the official trailer of Badarawuhi di Desa Penari here.


Actress Maudy Effrosina, who plays Mila in Dancing Village: The Curse Begins (Badarawuhi di Desa Penari), experienced a horror incident while filming this film—Badarawuhi visited her directly! Is it true? Check out this special interview with Maudy Effrosina and Jourdy Pranata who play Yudha, Mila’s older cousin.


Also read: The Origins of Badarawuhi di Desa Penari: Possessing a Dancer Till She Was Cast Away From the South Sea 


Special Interview with Maudy Effrosina and Jourdy Pranata: Dancing Village The Curse Begins

maudy effrosina md entertainment


The film Dancing Village The Curse Begins highlights the story of a young woman who wants to find out how to cure her mother who is seriously ill by coming to the village in the easternmost part of Java, namely Penari Village–-it is said that it holds a lot of terrible and difficult to solve horror mysteries.


In this special interview edition with the cast of Badarawuhi di Desa Penari (Dancing Village The Curse Begins)—Maudy Effrosina and Jourdy Pranata—they will share their experiences shooting the horror film which is a prequel to the best-selling film of all time, KKN di Desa Penari.


The Real Badarawuhi Visited Maudy Effrosina Once!

maudy effrosina md entertainment


How do you feel about starring in a film that has gone viral since the first KKN Universe, KKN di Desa Penari?

Maudy Effrosina: “It’s definitely pressure, it’s my very first time. I have my fear. But, fortunately, I have a team that is very helpful and fun. So, my fears can be overcome with the comfort of working here.”


How did you prepare to play the character Mila?

Maudy Effrosina: “Initially, to deepen the character, we read the script. There, we really dissect the script, dissect the characters, the process takes more or less a month, with workshops too. That’s what made me ready to play the character of Mila.”


maudy effrosina md entertainment


A little story about the initial process of being offered this project, please!

Maudy Effrosina: “I was contacted by Mas Sanjay, we chatted and had a meeting. He said he wanted to have a new project, it turns out Badarawuhi di Desa Penari (Dancing Village The Curse Begins). But he said that we would collaborate with Mas Kimo. In the end, I was even happier because Mas Kimo was one of the directors on my list who I really wanted to work with. We had a meeting with Mas Kimo and Mas Sanjay, we chatted a lot. I also asked Mas Kimo. Mas Kimo is a very pleasant person to work with. From there, I became more and more convinced, finally, well, thank God, I really have a soul mate in this title.”


Have you ever read the thread of KKN di Desa Penari on X? What do you think about it?

Maudy Effrosina: “Once. But I didn’t really read it until the end. I only read a little because I already knew a lot and have heard from people. So, before reading it, I already knew about it from people and I thought it was very interesting. I was shocked when the film was about to be made, but I was also curious. The first film, I watched it with my family because we are horror lovers. I didn’t even come to the premiere, yet we watched it in a big cinema.”


maudy effrosina md entertainment


How was the experience of shooting the film Dancing Village The Curse Begins?

Maudy Effrosina: “This is one of the things I could say was the most tiring shooting because there were quite a lot of scenes and they were heavy. It’s tough emotionally and physically too. The sets and technicalities also require a lot of extra work. But, because our team is full of fun people, we also shoot without any fuss. Everything went smoothly, so it didn’t feel like too much. Maybe I feel tired after filming. When I got home, I felt tired. When we’re on set, it doesn’t feel like that because we have a fun team.”


Also read: MD Pictures Kolaborasi dengan Lionsgate Distribusi Badarawuhi di Desa Penari (Dancing Village: The Curse Begins)


maudy effrosina md entertainment


Were there any horror incidents during filming?

Maudy Effrosina: “Actually, it’s not really horror. But maybe there was a bad thought at that time. But I’m not a sensitive person. If, for example, there are things like that, I usually don’t think too much about them. There was only one day, in the evening after I finished the scene communicating with Badarawuhi. There, Badarawuhi made a fairly slow movement towards me. The next day I was sleeping, I had sleep paralysis as if there was a hand or person movement; that was exactly what Badarawuhi did to me during that scene I took before. Goosebumps everywhere. But, yeah, maybe I was really tired, so I was quite scared. Eventually, I just went to sleep. That was the strangest thing while I was filming there.”


What fun facts do you like to do before filming?

Maudy Effrosina: “I definitely listen to songs, especially when there are heavy scenes. Usually, I have to have it ready—either AirPods or just listening to a song first. Whether the scene is pushing me to cry, be angry, or do other heavy ones, the song I listen to before I shoot has to connect with my emotions. That way, I can concentrate and create the mood that I need based on each scene.”


maudy effrosina md entertainment


How was the experience of being directed by Kimo Stamboel?

Maudy Effrosina: “It’s really exciting. Mas Kimo—that’s a person who can exchange ideas and is open-minded too. He can accept input from us. For example, if there is something that I am not comfortable with, Mas Kimo is very open to sharing. I can really be myself. I was also given the opportunity to move. Even if, for example, it doesn’t match what he wants, we will definitely find a middle way so that both are met with a final solution. And he really thinks about the health of all of us, crew and cast; if someone isn’t feeling well, he doesn’t want to force it. We are given a break and given time to get fit first. So, health is number one.”


maudy effrosina md entertainment


How do you bond with the other cast members?

Maudy Effrosina: “Incidentally, in this title, I already knew Jourdy (Mas Yuda) and Bang Ciprut, the acting coach who always accompanied us until we finished filming. It’s already good because it turns out the other actors and actresses are in the same circles, even though we haven’t known each other that well. To finally play a film together, it didn’t take long for everything to come together. After filming, we also agreed to hang out and chat while we were filming in Jogja. If there was a break, we would get together and eat together. In fact, sometimes I don’t have time for myself. The FOMO is for me; if they’re filming, they’re gone, and I’m alone. So we always end up being together.”


What is the most difficult scene from the film Dancing Village The Curse Begins?

Maudy Effrosina: “There is one scene in one of my favorite sets. There, I had to dance while playing with emotions. It was quite difficult and tiring for me because the scene was long. It took three days. And those three days were pretty tough.”


What is Maudy Effrosina’s favorite set?

Maudy Effrosina: “Padusan. It will be a tough event for Mila, so it’s both fun and sad set for Mila.”


Three words for the film Dancing Village The Curse Begins!

Maudy Effrosina: “Mother, sacrifice, and scary.”


Maudy Effrosina: I Don’t Want to Go to the Real Dancing Village!

maudy effrosina md entertainment


Describe your character in the film Dancing Village The Curse Begins

Maudy Effrosina: “My character is Mila. She’s actually a really fun person. However, because it turned out that something happened to her mother that she didn’t know why but that really tormented her, she was finally determined to save her mother. She was trying to use any method. So, Mila is a woman who is completely different from the previous Mila—perhaps because she is more focused on her mother’s health.”


Was it difficult to play the character of Mila?

Maudy Effrosina: “You can say it’s not that difficult. There are difficulties; it’s just that there is a lot of preparation, and it’s also very neat. So, character introduction, script analysis, and character analysis are very easy to carry out with the existing team. The difficulties can really be overcome on set. So, it wasn’t too much of a burden for me to do it that time. But, regarding the wording and the dialogue, it’s actually difficult for me because I’m afraid that in the year used in the film background, there won’t be any vocabulary like we use in the modern era.”


Are there any similar traits between Maudy and Mila?

Maudy Effrosina: “Maybe in terms of sacrifice, yes. I would do anything for my family, not in the same way, but anything for my family.”


Do you want to meet the real Mila?

Maudy Effrosina: “I would like to. I want to know how she got through all this. But, yes, there must be something really hard that she’s going through, and it’s not easy for her to talk about it. But I just want to meet and get to know the real Mila—what kind of person she is.”


What if you were in Mila’s position?

Maudy Effrosina: “I think I would do the same. Maybe, if we think about it now, it is not logical. But we don’t know what if we were in that position, what would we do or even think. So for me, I think I would do what Mila did in the film—that is to save her family in any kind of way.”


What if one of your family members was taken as a Dawuh?

Maudy Effrosina: “Maybe I would just be a Dawuh! Especially if my mother was the only family I had, for example.”


Would you go to Dancing Village in real life?

Maudy Effrosina: “Of course not. Scary! So, what are you doing? What would happen is that I would probably be drawn into becoming a real Dawuh.”


Do you believe that this story is based on true events?

Maudy Effrosina: “I believe it (from the film KKN di Desa Penari) because when I was filming and saw the location, that’s what made me not want to go there for real. Because, on set, it already felt scary. Moreover, I really came there with that story and with things that were beyond logic. But it does exist. Maybe I’m not a sensitive person myself, but I still believe in those things and don’t want to be vague. So, let’s just enjoy it all.”


Jourdy Pranata: Work with Kimo Stamboel Feels Like a Dream!

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How did you first start joining the project of Dancing Village The Curse Begins?

Jourdy Pranata: “I was contacted by Mr. Sanjay, and this film was directed by Mr. Kimo; I immediately said yes!”


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How did you get into character as Yudha?

Jourdy Pranata: “Yudha is Mila’s older cousin. Coincidentally, we (Jourdy and Maudy) were already friends before this project, so getting into my character and Mila was easier. I also learned East Javanese together with other actors and actresses. Personally, I’m getting used to wearing wigs because this is my project as a character who has long hair and not real hair.”


How is the experience being directed by Kimo Stamboel?

Jourdy Pranata: “For me, it feels like a dream has come true because Mr. Kimo is a director on my list. And when he plays horror, he’s a master, so I am amazed by his method and his point of view when we read the script. And personally, Mr. Kimo is a pleasant person. He knows what he wants, and it is an honor for us to be able to work together with Mas Kimo.”


Tell us about your character in the film Dancing Village The Curse Begins!

Jourdy Pranata: “Yudha is Mila’s older cousin and was assigned to look after Mila in Dancing Village—to bring Mila home safely and save Yudha’s aunt. Yudha brought Arya and Jito to help Mila complete her assignment in Dancing Village.”


What were the difficulties for Jourdy Pranata playing the character Yudha in the film Dancing Village The Curse Begins?

Jourdy Pranata: “Actually, this is not the first time playing a film that has a different time setting as today. But this is the most extreme film because it’s set in the 70s and in East Java—an extraordinary combination when we have to be that character. We have to know the habits of humans at that time of year, but it’s limited to East Java, and we’re entering a village that can be said to be in the middle of nowhere.”


What is Jourdy Pranata’s favorite set?

Jourdy Pranata: “Maybe my favorite set is Angkara Murka; even though I’m not there, it will be something.”


That’s a special interview with the cast of Dancing Village The Curse Begins—Maudy Effrosina and Jourdy Pranata. Want to know the story of Mila and the others surviving and even escaping the clutches of the most powerful figure in Dancing Village, Badarawuhi? Watch the full film now and invite your loved ones to experience the magical horror sensation!


Also read: ArumtaLa Nyanyikan Kembali Lagu ‘Apa Arti Hidup Ini’ untuk OST Badarawuhi di Desa Penari


Moreover, stream the original soundtrack of Dancing Village The Curse Begins that is sung by Madukina dan Matoha Mino entitled ‘Dawuh,’ also ‘Apa Arti Hidup Ini’ sung by ArumtaLa on digital streaming platforms!


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Badarawuhi di Desa Penari (Movie)

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